Monday, March 26, 2012

"LOL! Men!"

There are few things I hate more than a "LOL! Men!" statement.

If you have female friends with boorish, rude, inconsiderate, lazy husbands, and if those friends ever discuss those husbands on Facebook, Twitter, or The message boards, then you'll likely know what I'm talking about; a "LOL! Men!" statement involves a woman "venting" about the nasty, cruel, childish behavior of her husband/fiancé/boyfriend, and then trying to act flippant about it with the cloying, disingenuous claim that ALL men are assholes, not just this one.


My husband refuses to help me with the household chores, despite the fact that we both work. He says that since he makes more money, the cleaning and cooking are entirely my 'job'. No matter how much I beg and plead, he ignores me. Gah! So typical. Men are so stubborn. :) :) :)

My boyfriend is never affectionate towards me, yet he always wants to have sex, and if I don't want to, he gets mad. LOL! Men and their sex drives, amirite, ladies?

I asked my husband to watch the boys last night so I could go out to a movie with my friends, and he refused. He said he didn't have time to 'babysit' and that I was a bad mother for wanting some 'me' time. I wish men weren't so selfish!

No, my friend, "men" are not lazy/stupid/self-centered/clueless/helpless/boring/talentless. Your man is.

Good men exist. I married one. Heck, I even dated a few before I married this one. They're not a myth, I promise you. They're not the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. They're everywhere, all over, and all you have to do to have one yourself is to NOT DATE OR MARRY AN ASSWIPE.

I don't think people get how insulting this sort of talk can be to those men who are not horrible people. Really, I don't really see what having a penis has to do with being a bad person. There are, quite literally, billions of men on the planet-- you don't think all of them are creeps, do you?

My husband is kind. He's thoughtful. He's intelligent. He's not shallow, sexist, a bully, or a coward. He's a brave, strong, capable, grown-ass person who knows how to treat other human beings with respect-- especially those human beings with whom he is in love (which, y'know, is hopefully just me). It's not that hard, gals. Really.

If your man is a jerk, it's not because he's a man. It's because he's a jerk.


  1. :) From all the decent, intelligent, gentlemen out there....Thank you and Ahmen. Sometimes women do amaze us with this apparent blindness to all the great guys out there!

  2. This is absolutely made of win, so true, and I've shared it on my Facebook. Thank you.
