Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Progress Report

Almost to midterms. Can I survive? Tune in next week to find out! ;)

So far I think my favorite class is Greek. It's pretty exciting to read the Greek New Testament and (kind of) know what it says! I guess I sort of hate having class at 8 AM thee times a week, and I'm not crazy about taking tests, but oh well, it's worth it.

I'm also really surprised by how much I'm enjoying my Renaissance Romance class-- I expected it to be a little dry and dull, but the teacher is surprisingly funny and the material is much more alive than I'd expected. I'm a fan of Boiardo already! And I'm looking forward to Spencer very much.

My least favorite class is my required class-- Introduction to the Study of Religion, which every first-year has to take. Ugh. The prof is very smart and very helpful but I hate reading Paul Ricouer-- he's impenetrable, really. I'm falling behind in the reading a bit because I just hate slogging through it. Have you ever seen Fantasia? Do you know the Rite of Spring section with the dinosaurs, where the meteor hits and all those dinosaurs get stuck in the tar pits? That's how I feel when I read Ricoeur-- like a poor little stegosaurus stuck in a pool of tar, sinking further and further in. Blech.

I'm looking forward to next month-- Adam's friends are coming to visit, and then Adam and I are traveling to Ohio to see our families for Thanksgiving! It'll be nice to see everyone, especially as we won't be able to visit for Christmas, since Adam works then, obviously. My sister is graduating from college this winter so it'll be nice to talk to her, too. 

Now, let's see if I can't pull myself together and get back to work...

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