Monday, May 7, 2012


Here are some things I will enjoy about not living here anymore:

-Living in a place that is not a constant contruction zone
-Relative quiet
-Fewer crowds
-Not having to steel myself to fake-smile at people on the Close if I've just had a bad day and want to dissolve into tears
-More than 350 sq. ft. of living space
-Possibly having a bathroom that is not directly next to my kitchen (i.e., possibly having actual empty space between my toilet and my food preparation area)
-Paying a LOT less in rent
-Fewer cars
-Less dog crap
-Bodies of water without rotting trash everywhere
-Once again being in the religious minority (it's kinda fun to answer the age-old question: "Episco-WHAT?!")
-Not working a desk job
-Actual winters
-Actual snow
-Having a landlord who actually acts like a damn landlord and doesn't pretend like the fact that my husband is going to be a priest is a reason why we should be treated like crap and be forced to act okay with it
-More room for my cats
-Spending less than six hours at the DMV
-Streets that don't smell like pee

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